biosynthetic pathways

(23-08-22) Review in Natural Product Reports

I am very excited to share our recently published review article on “Integrative omics approaches for biosynthetic pathway discovery in plants” in Natural Product Reports. We have been working on this review for quite a while but I am very pleased to see how this work has shaped up. Design of the paper was conceived by all co-authors, which literally changed multiple times. Later we recived some constructive comments/feedback from the reviewers due to which it eventually turned out in a very good flow. With this work we have laid the foundation of plant-based integrative omics research to explore metabolic potential of plants and its regulation in the groups of Marnix Medema, Justin Van der Hooft & Saskia van Wees. So watch out for the new products that will be out soon under this research umbrella. Once again I would like to thank them for such an amazing support.