Bee ToxicogenomicsLast updated on Jan 15, 2025Follow Osmia bicornisBees genomes insecticide sensitivityKumar Saurabh SinghAssistant ProfessorPublicationsThe leafcutter bee, Megachile rotundata, is more sensitive to N-cyanoamidine neonicotinoid and butenolide insecticides than other managed beesRecent research has shown that several managed bee species have specific P450 enzymes that are preadapted to confer intrinsic tolerance …Kumar Saurabh SinghPDF Project DOIGenomic insights into neonicotinoid sensitivity in the solitary bee Osmia bicornisThe impact of pesticides on the health of bee pollinators is determined in part by the capacity of bee detoxification systems to …Kumar Saurabh SinghPDF Cite Project DOIExtension of Partial Gene Transcripts by Iterative Mapping of RNA-Seq Raw ReadsMany non-model organisms lack reference genomes and the sequencing and de novo assembly of an organisms transcriptome is an affordable …Kumar Saurabh SinghPDF Cite Project DOIUnravelling the Molecular Determinants of Bee Sensitivity to Neonicotinoid InsecticidesThe impact of neonicotinoid insecticides on the health of bee pollinators is a topic of intensive research and considerable current …Kumar Saurabh SinghPDF Project DOI